BS 5815-3/BS5815第三部分:被單布、被單及枕套規(guī)范
易朔產品服務(廈門)有限公司將為您提供專業(yè)的BS 5815-3:1991公共部門用被單、被單
布、枕套、毛巾、餐巾、床罩及大陸人用棉被罩 第三部分:被單布、被單及枕套規(guī)范,聯
BS 5815-3:1991公共部門用被單、被單布、枕套、毛巾、餐巾、床罩及大陸人用棉被罩、第三部分:被單布、被單及枕套規(guī)范
BS 5815-3:1991 Sheets, sheeting, pillowslips, towels, napkins, counterpanes and continental quilt secondary covers suitable for use in the public sector- Part 3: Specification for counterpanes and continental quilt secondary covers including flammability performance(BS 5438 AND BS 7175:1989 section three 0 & 5 )
BS 5815-3:1991公共部門用被單、被單布、枕套、毛巾、餐巾、床罩及大陸人用棉被罩 第
三部分:被單布、被單及枕套規(guī)范簡介:BS 5815-3:1991公共部門用被單、被單布、枕套、
毛巾、餐巾、床罩及大陸人用棉被罩 第三部分:被單布、被單及枕套規(guī)范指定了床罩和大
BS 5815-3:1991 Sheets, sheeting, pillowslips, towels, napkins, counterpanes and continental quilt secondary covers suitable for use in the public sector- Part 3: Specification for counterpanes and continental quilt secondary covers including flammability performance(BS 5438 AND BS 7175:1989 section three 0 & 5 )
BS 5815-3:1991公共部門用被單、被單布、枕套、毛巾、餐巾、床罩及大陸人用棉被罩、第三部分:被單布、被單及枕套規(guī)范的相關標準:
BS EN ISO12952:1999-1/2床上用品的燃燒行為-燜燒
BS EN ISO12952:1999-1/2 Burning behaviour of bedding Items - smouldering cigarette
BS EN ISO12952:1999-3/4 床上用品的燃燒行為-明火
BS EN ISO12952:1999-3/4 Burning behaviour of bedding Items - open flame
TB 106:1986床墊,床襯墊的燜燒測試要求,程序及其設備
TB 106:1986 Requirements, Test Procedure and Apparatus for Testing the Resistance of a Mattress or Mattress Pad to Combustion Which May Result from a Smoldering Cigarette
NFPA 267:1998暴露于火源下的床墊和床上用品組件的燃燒特征
NFPA 267:1998 Fire characteristics of mattresses and bedding assemblies exposed to flami